Mental Wellness Coaching

As a mental health provider and wellness coach, I will help you to:
What do I do?
Coaching with Dr. Muranja
“Nobody can go back and make a new beginning, but anyone can start over and make a new ending” Maria Robinson
I understand that we cannot change our past, but we can always give ourselves permission for new beginnings.
As a mental health provider, I understand that our thoughts and emotions can be an obstacle to living a wholly authentic life. Therefore, I use a holistic approach while working with clients to harness the power of the mind, body, and spirit, tuning each of these areas to create deep healing on multiple levels.
Understand yourself and decipher the working of your brain and to discover what special building blocks inside you make you, you.
Help clients identify the internal obstacles and invisible barriers that keep you stuck
Connect the current mental model that has guided them to this point. Work on deleting false beliefs, values, and expectations that no longer serves them..
Assess the present decision-making process and unleash a new way of thinking by creating strong coping mechanisms that help clients reach their life goals..
Discover the inner self-talk that is draining you and producing inner critical of yourself by reintroducing you to a “whole” energized self.
Navigate everyday challenges by understanding all emotions are part of human experiences and are there to guide us.
Assist clients to experience all feelings with the understanding that our feelings are a powerful source of inner guidance.
Challenge self-abandoning and addictive ways of avoiding our feelings and past painful experiences.
Journaling & why you should do it!
My patients inspired this mental health journal. I encourage them
to journal daily, but the challenge has always been how to start.
Journaling is a tool that enables you to probe the experiences and clear your mind of persistent intrusive thoughts. It also helps calm your mind as you release negative feelings and thoughts. I hope this journal will help you identify triggers that impact your mood, feelings, and well-being as you develop self-awareness, self-regulation, and positive self-affirmation habits.
Get your Mental Wellness Journal today!